The Citadel Military College of South Carolina
202 Richardson Avenue - 2nd Floor
Charleston, SC 29409
(843) 953-4915
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The Citadel requires that the following guidelines be met for a course to be accepted for the transfer credit:
  1. A course must be taken at an accredited institution.
  2. There must be a comparable course offered by The Citadel.
  3. A grade of “C” or better must be earned.
  4. Credit hour value of transfer courses must be equal to or greater than The Citadel course for which substitution is sought; however, credits transferred will not exceed those of The Citadel equivalent.
  5. Courses previously passed at The Citadel are not acceptable for transfer.
  6. Permission to take approved course(s) does not waive residency requirements at The Citadel, specifically: 
    --  One-half of all credits applied toward a degree must be earned at The Citadel.
    --  30 of the last 37 hours must be obtained at The Citadel and these hours must be earned within 5 years of the date of graduation. 
  7. No more than four courses and their associated labs totaling not more than 14 credit hours (2 courses each summer term) may be transferred for summer sessions.  No more than one course totaling three credit hours may be transferred during Maymester.  Any exception to the number of hours that may be earned during a summer session or to the total number of hours that may be earned during summer school must be approved in advance by the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  8. Quality points do not transfer, thus your GPR is not affected by courses taken at other colleges.
  9. If you plan to take a course at Charleston Southern University, College of Charleston, Medical University of South Carolina, or Trident Technical College, an Undergraduate Cross Registration Form is required. These colleges, along with The Citadel, have a cross registration agreement.  Information and an Undergraduate Cross Registration may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. After the appropriate Department Head signatures have been obtained on this application, you must return the application to the Registrar’s Office.  You will be given a copy to take to the other college/university.  
Click HERE to download an Application

  1. Students who are not maintaining the minimum GPR for continuance must take coursework at The Citadel.  See current catalog for GPR requirements.
  2. You must request that an official transcript from the other college/university be sent directly to The Citadel Registrar’s Office.  Credit will not be awarded until the official transcript is received.  Hand delivered transcripts or grade reports cannot be accepted.  If you take a course at Charleston Southern University, College of Charleston, Medical University of South Carolina or trident Technical College through the cross registration agreement, you do not have to request a transcript.  It will be sent automatically.
  3. When selecting another college/university, make sure you know whether it is on a semester or quarter hour system.  One quarter hour does not equal one semester hour.
  4. Study Abroad students are encouraged to fill out two pages of this form, as you will want to have 8-10 classes pre-approved before you arrive on-site. This will allow you flexibility in case you do not get into one of the courses on your Transient Permission Form. Students are asked to come by the OIDP to discuss the course pre-approval process during the application process.

St. Cyr Courses
The Citadel Military College of South Carolina Center for Intl. & Special Programs