The Citadel Military College of South Carolina
202 Richardson Avenue - 2nd Floor
Charleston, SC 29409
(843) 953-4915
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2017 Star of the West International Summer Scholarship

Term To Study: Summer 2017
Application Deadline: Feb 17, 2017
Program Category: One-Country
Link 1: Office of Fellowships: Star of the West
Link 2: 2014 Recipients
Contact Phone: 843-953-2067
Contact Name: Noah Koubenec
Contact Email:
Program Description


The Star of the West Foundation's financial support of this scholarship is intended to encourage study abroad, second language skills and foreign travel to enrich the undergraduate cadet experience and exposure to opportunities in the global economy. The International Summer Scholarship is a one-time grant of up to $7,500.

This grant is intended to support the academic enrichment of cadets whose project proposals present a clear connection between the summer experience and their goals after graduation. Special consideration is accorded to applicants pursuing highly competitive awards for graduate study, such as Fulbright, Marshall, Rhodes, or Truman scholarships. Although preference is given to those who have not received an award, particularly distinguished previous recipients may be awarded a second or third grant. Preference will also be given to students who have not had an international experience. Recipients are required to file a press release (and a photo) on their activities and a detailed listing of expenditures with receipts for the Star of the West Board of Directors.

Although formal programs in any field offered by foreign universities are the basis for most applications, independent study projects (see below) and independent travel are also encouraged and funded. In non-English speaking countries, basic language knowledge is required. Programs to enhance language skills through courses beyond the 200-level are encouraged. Award of scholarships is based on the merit of the proposed field of study and foreign experience as it pertains to the cadet's major and career goals, Citadel academic record and over-all cadet activities involvement. Summer scholars are expected to have a substantial experience; awards of fewer than three weeks are discouraged and rare. Generally speaking, the longer the duration the better. If you are conducting an independent study, it must be approved by a department and carry a 3- hour course equivalent for credit. If you have any questions about a research award, please contact Noah Koubenec.

Eligible for the Star of the West International Summer Scholarship are current cadet freshmen, sophomores, and juniors posting a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher and conduct proficient. Applicants must submit online: a narrative proposal, detailed budget, and two letters of recommendation both of which must come from a Citadel faculty member. Note: a faculty member cannot write a letter of recommendation if that applicant is going on a program led by that faculty member!
A faculty member acting as the supervisor for an independent research study may write a letter of recommendation for the applicant they will be supervising. An additional letter (optional) may come from a reference off-campus.

Only full-time cadets who will not graduate until after summer 2017 are eligible for this award.


There is a two-round application process:

Round 1: Opens on 6 September 2016; deadline is 4 November 2016.

Round 2: Opens on 5 November 2016; deadline is February 17, 2017. Applicants not selected in round 1 are welcome to re-apply, and fourth-class cadets are eligible to apply.

Quick Facts

Population: 313847465
Capital: Washington, DC
Per-capita GDP: $ 49000
Size: 9826675 km2
Time Zone: (GMT - 05:00 hours) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
See :
Country Specific Info.

The Citadel Military College of South Carolina Center for Intl. & Special Programs