The Citadel Military College of South Carolina
202 Richardson Avenue - 2nd Floor
Charleston, SC 29409
(843) 953-4915
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Program Procedures
Getting Started
Programs by Type
Types of Programs
Going Abroad
Pre-Departure Information
Student Contract
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 Getting Started

At The Citadel, students have three options for length of their programs:

  • a full semester (fall or spring)
  • over the summer (summer semester)
  • during spring break (one week)

There are two main types of programs:

  • Citadel-sponsored
  • Independent programs

On faculty-led summer and spring-break programs, students go abroad with a Citadel professor and earn transfer credit or Citadel credit, depending on the program. On these programs, students pay a program fee to cover travel expenses; tuition for associated courses is included in the price of the program fee.

On Citadel-sponsored semester programs, such as the Global Scholars program, students pay their normal tuition and fees and study at a host university to earn transfer credit towards their degree at The Citadel.

On all independent programs (summer or semester) students will make payments directly to the program provider and earn transfer credit upon successful completion of the program.


  • Rising sophomore, junior, or senior at the Citadel
  • In good academic standing
  • 2.5 GPA or higher for independent programs
  • 2.0 GPA or higher for a Citadel program
  • In good disciplinary standing
  • Pass a conduct review (Must be conduct proficient at all stages in the study abroad application process and while participating in the program)
    • Students must be conduct proficient at all stages in the study abroad application process and while participating in the program. Students must receive a recommendation by the Assistant Commandant for Discipline as part of their study abroad applications (see "Conduct Approval" application form). Students who have received a Class I Offense within the previous two semesters prior to study abroad term are automatically ineligible to participate in a study abroad program. Conduct will be initially reviewed at the time of application and a final conduct approval will be given prior to departure.
  • In good financial standing (Does not owe for a prior or current term and/or has no holds on their account for financial reasons)

*If a student should be accepted into a program and then fail to meet one of the above mentioned categories, their study abroad status will be revoked.


  • Meet with your academic advisor about your academic plan
  • Be sure to keep in mind the classes you take abroad will need to fulfill course requirements for your major and for graduation
  • Research scholarship opportunities and ways to finance your study abroad program
  • Search for programs using the clickable map or by using the program search function on lower left tab of main page

Begin Passport Application Process

  • Application forms and passport information is available in the Office of Study Abroad and online
  • All study abroad students must have a passport in order to travel abroad
  • Please note that your passport must be valid for at least six months AFTER you return to the United States

Instructions & Requirements for Applying for U.S. Passport

Where to Apply for a Passport

*Students who intend on studying abroad for a semester in Spain, Italy, or France: Apply early for your visas as a personal appointment with the consulate is required.

The Citadel Military College of South Carolina Center for Intl. & Special Programs